Certificates & IRAs

Type Minimum Deposit APY
DreamBuilder 6 Month Certificate $100.00
90 Day $500.00
6 Month $500.00
1 Year $500.00
18 Month $500.00
2 Year $500.00
30 Month $500.00
3 Year $500.00
4 Year $500.00
5 Year $500.00

Rates Effective 03/01/2025
APY = Annual Percentage Yield. IRAs not eligible for 90-day term.

Early Withdrawal Penalties
The penalty we may impose for withdrawals before maturity will be the lesser of the following:
1. For all certificate terms that are less than six (6) months, the penalty will be all dividends posted to the account.
2. For all certificate terms that are six (6) months or greater, the penalty will be six (6) months of dividends

The penalty is not to exceed the actual dividends posted and any insufficient amount of dividends will not be collected from principal. In certain circumstances, such as the death or incompetence of an owner of this account, the law permits, or in some cases requires, the waiver of the early withdrawal penalty. See your plan disclosure if this account is part of an IRA or other tax qualified plan. You will have a grace period of seven calendar days after maturity to withdraw the funds without being charged an early withdrawal penalty. Fees may reduce the earnings on an account.

Tax laws are subject to change. Contact a tax professional for more details. We are unable to provide financial advice but can answer questions on specific IRA products.