What is Remote Deposit?
Remote Deposit is a free, secure, online banking service that allows eligible Southeast Financial Credit Union (SFCU) members to deposit funds using a scanner and computer, iPhone, or smartphone with an Android operating system, into their SFCU account.

Who is eligible to use Remote Deposit?
Remote Deposit is available to any SFCU member, 18 years of age and older, with an open active account in good standing. A valid email address is also required.

How do I sign up for Remote Deposit?
Sign in to Online Banking and click on the Additional Services link located at the top of the page, then select the Remote Deposits link from the drop-down list.

How will I receive notifications about Remote Deposit registration and deposits?
All notifications will be sent to the email address listed under the My Settings link in Online Banking. Please verify that the email address listed is current and correct.

What equipment is needed for Remote Deposit?
The following are the minimum currently supported environments.
For Home Scanning:
Windows XP or Vista with Internet Explorer 7+
Windows XP or Vista with Firefox 2+
Mac OS X 10.6 with Safari 3+ (must be run in 32-bit mode)
Mac OS X 10.6 with Firefox 2+
TWAIN-compliant document scanner
Note:To find out if your scanner is compliant, refer to the documentation that was supplied with the scanner. For help with your scanner, log in to your SFCU Online Banking account and click on the Remote Deposits link. Then click on “Help with Scanners and Drivers” near the bottom of the screen.)
Note: The recommended version of the browsers listed above are Internet Explorer 8, Firefox 3, and Safari 3.1.
For Mobile Devices:
For iPhone, the free SFCU app, available through the App Store.
For Android phones, the free SFCU app, available through the Google Play Store.

How do I endorse my checks?
You should endorse your checks with your name as it appears on the front of the check, and then include the following information:
For deposit only at SFCU
Your account number
Via Remote Deposit
On date (in mm/dd/yyyy format)

What happens to the image(s) after scanning?
Home Scanning: When using the Remote Deposit system through Online Banking, the scanned images will stay on the system until the deposit is submitted.
Mobile Devices: When using an iPhone or Android phone for scanning, check images captured are stored on the device until they have been submitted successfully.
Note: Please try to complete each deposit promptly. In the event that you are unable to promptly complete your deposit, please delete the associated images from the application.

How long should the check(s) be saved after scanning?
Checks should be securely stored for a period of seven (7) days after you receive confirmation from Remote Deposit that your deposit has been accepted.

Do I need to include a deposit slip with my deposit?
No. Remote Deposit generates an electronic record with each deposit.

When will the deposit be credited and available?
Deposits received before 3:00 pm Central Standard Time (CST) will generally be credited to your account by the next business day after the day of deposit. Deposits received after 3:00 pm CST will be credited to your account by the second business day after the day of deposit. Business days are Monday through Friday, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Under certain circumstances, the availability of funds may be delayed beyond the second business day after the day of the deposit. In these cases, notice of the delay will be provided.

What types of checks cannot be submitted using Remote Deposit?
Savings Bonds
Foreign checks
Third party checks (an item payable to another party and signed over to you by that party)
Checks written on another Southeast Financial account where you are a signer
Items stamped “non-negotiable”
Incomplete checks (i.e. missing date, missing payee, etc.)
Stale-dated or post-dated checks
Checks that contain evidence of alteration to the information on the check
Checks previously endorsed by SFCU

How will the deposit appear on my statement?
The deposit will appear with the description “Remote Deposit” on statements.

Is my information secure?
Home Scanning: Check images captured using your scanner will stay on the system until the deposit is submitted.
Mobile Devices: Check images captured using your iPhone or Android phone will be stored on the device until they have been submitted successfully.
Note: Please try to complete each deposit promptly. In the event that you are unable to promptly complete your deposit, please delete the associated images from the application.

Is there a fee for Remote Deposit?
There is no fee for the Remote Deposit service. Please refer to the SFCU Schedule of Products and Fees for any associated fees that may apply.

How can I get a copy of my images after submitting my deposit?
Within the Remote Deposit system, images are available under the “Deposit History” tab at the top right corner of the page. A copy can be printed or saved to a file on your computer for your records. This history is available for 18 months.

Where can I go to receive help?
If you are within the Remote Deposit section of Online Banking, you can select “Help” or “?” as you begin the transaction to receive information specific to that page. You may also send an email to member.service@southeastfinancial.org or call 800-521-9653.